Shayok's Works

Auto-portrait on Railway Track

Warm Welcome

As Seinfeld would have put it: This is my site, but you can surf it.


I set up this site primarily to publish my travel-writings and photographs. I'll be adding more as I travel more, and take better photographs (hopefully - at least I've bought a tripod), but for the moment this is all I have. All the photographs embedded in text are clickable thumbnails linked to bigger images. I use a PC, so I guess gamma-wise, they'll look best on PCs.

A Cross-Cultural Glossary

In the bad old days, authors used footnotes. And indulged in foot-footnote-notes. Today, we have cleared the air with hyperlinks. This section, occasionally tongue-in-cheek, sometimes polemical, always factual, is aimed at explaining the US and India to each other and the world. It may be tasted in small doses linked from the travelogues, or consumed whole.

About Me

My rather lame homepage.


Like-minded Sites

If you liked my travelogues, chances are you'll like reading Yev's Views on Different Things. A sensitive purist, he can shoot an entire trip with a 50mm lens stuck on a manual camera.

Handy Sites for New York Metropolitan Area

Photography-related Sites


If you think my site resembles in html-style, it's because I read Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing. I also use a bunch of free services provided by them.

Everything's copyright Shayok Mukhopadhyay. Jealously. Zealously.

If you steal any of my text or pictures, I'll be flattered. If you ask me for permission to use them, I'll be thrilled. If I'm only flattered but not thrilled, I'll do everything to drag your name through cybermud (which, believe me, sticks and stinks). If I'm thrilled, I can let you use much higher resolution versions than what you get here, from my PhotoCDs. Though, of course, this might not be of any use as, as of today, all shots were taken handheld and therefore not razor-sharp.

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